Best Solutions For Your Directory

Our Services

We facilitate and support creating your directory

With compatible with most know WordPress tools, we help and support in turning your idea into a ready made directory website in no time, because we know time is very precious to have your business running and focus on other less tedious tasks.

Elementor – WordPress page builder

One of the most famous page builders for WordPress. With just the free version you can create a directory in a flash. (To be used with Geodirectory free version. With Elementor PRO (paid version) you can choose to use Metabox custom fields plugin and have a super versatile directory.

Geo Directory Plugin

This is a great WordPress directory plugin. It’s sole purpose is to enable you to create a directory website. You can even start with only the free version

Voxel – Elementor directory theme

Voxel is an all purpose directory theme. You can build any directory, this is like a swiss army knife of directories. Using the Elementor free version and WP All import addon together with Leads Importer, in no time you have your directory running.

WordPress plugin to Import Data into your website

WP All import is a very well known and established Import plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows you to import any data into your WordPress website. Export CSV from Leads Importer and quickly built any directory in WordPress with a theme or plugin of your choice.

Metabox- Custom Fields Plugin

With Metabox you can’t go wrong, you can choose almost any WordPress page builder that you want and use Metabox to build your directory. With this combo, you take full control on how you design and implement your directory. Elementor, Bricks, Stackable, Oxygen, you got it. Please note that some Page builders do need the paid version to work with Metabox plugin.

Export CSV

Don’t want to build a directory website but still need leads data for your business. Say no more. Simply run your searches, get the data that you want and simply export the data into CSV files as many times as you want.


With our chatGPT addon, you can quickly write a business description. Give a bit more flavour to your listings and add the description in bulk or one by one.

ACF – Coming soon

ACF the frenemy of Metabox, the Advanced Custom Fields plugin allows you build your directory also using any page builder that is compatible with. Like Metabox, this gives you total freedom in how to develop and design your directory.


With Vultr Hosting, you can ramp up really quick, websites with the One Click option. With Vultr High-frequency, you can guarantee that your website directory is well taken care of and that the high traffic will be handled properly from the start.


Cloudways is a must for everyone that don’t want to worry with the hassles of managing a cloud server. With this hosting you can’t go wrong also. You can choose from multiple server providers, set up WordPress and no need to worry about the rest.

Our mission

Turn Ideas into Directories

Have an idea for a great directory? Global, niche, Lead generations, classifieds? With Leads Importer, we help turning your idea quickly into a ready made directory. Forget Scraping, cleaning up CSVs, doing manual imports. With Leads Importer we help search and import directly into your directory website.

Time saving compared to other tools
Easy to use compared to other tools
Cost savings compared to other tools


How is it to setup Leads Importer?

It is actually pretty easy to setup Leads Importer. You will have to get your Google Places API key and add it to the software. Then you just have to create an application password for your admin user to connect the WordPress API.

For WP All Import, after the search is done, you can click the button to generate the CSV, it will shortly download to your local environment.

Can I export My search results?

Yes you can easily export your search results via CSV if you want to save them or import them into another directory theme or CRM using their import functions or WP All Import.

Please note that it is only available for the multisite and  plan for now.

Will I have future features?

Yes, definitely in all plans you will have access to future features. Only exception are external tools that require you to register and pay as you go or a subscription like chatGPT, Mailchimp, Hubspot.

Will Google Charge Me for Usage?

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides users with an initial $300 free credit upon signup specifically for maps API usage that expires within the first 90 days. Upon expiration of this free trial credit, GCP will offer a $200 monthly free credit to cover API usage before you are billed. It is important to ensure that your account is kept up to date with valid payment and billing information, such as a credit card to continue using it’s services.

To obtain all data you need, we uses a series of queries to pull all of the data from different Google endpoints, you should can expect to retrieve approximately 6,000 businesses per month before incurring a charge.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes, 5 minutes or 5 miles which ever comes first. 😀.

Of course, we have a 14 day withdrawal period if you are not satisfied, but please read the Terms & conditions since this is a sensitive product, there are some specific rules that apply such as the credits consumed during the 14 day trial.

Can I use it in more than one website?

The limited time deal is the only plan that allows now for more than 1 website. 1 IP, if we detect more than one IP using the account, we reserve the right to block the account with no further notice and veto the 14 day withdrawal period.

What are active searches?

With active searches, you can keep control of your searches, whenever you make a search, the location of that search will be added to a map. From that map you can continue your searches from where you left previously, go for a coffee, potty break, meet your better half, then continue again from the map.


The Best Solutions for your directories

Pricing plans for all tastes and more exciting features and plans coming. With the Starter plan you can’t wrong and take your time to learn and curate the listings, get on board of the Advanced or Turbo plan, if you need a visual map of your searches, this will help you cover ground in no time.

Starter Plan


One Time Payment

  • GeoDirectory, Metabox, Voxel/Listing Pro/Wilcity*
  • CSV & WP All Import
  • 1 Website
  • 250 Free Search Results**
  • No Active Search
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media + Email
  • chatGPT***
  • Email support
Get Started
Advanced Plan


One Time Payment

  • GeoDirectory, Metabox, Voxel/Listing Pro/Wilcity*
  • CSV & WP All Import
  • 1 Website
  • 250 Free Search Results**
  • 1 Active Search
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media + Email
  • chatGPT***
  • Email + Chat Support
Get Started
Turbo Plan


One Time Payment

  • GeoDirectory, Metabox, Voxel/Listing Pro/Wilcity*
  • CSV & WP All Import
  • 3 Websites
  • 250 Free Search Results**
  • Unlimited Active Searches
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media + Email
  • chatGPT***
  • Priority Email + Chat Support
Get Started

*These are imported via WP all Import or a dedicated CSV Importer. **First 500 Search results are for free. ***chatGPT tokens must be purchased in order to use the AI to enrich the content/descriptions.

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