Leads directly in your website or CSV

Step 1

Get started by doing a search for Business Listings that you want to your directory.

Search Leads
  • Search by keywords such as “Plumber”, “Restaurant”.
  • Select Location using “City”, “Postal Code”, “Address”
  • Selected the Radius for the Search
Step 2

After the search results, select only what you need. Data such address, Google Category, Ratings, Ratings, Number of Reviews, Postal Code, Social Media, Email and more.

  • Import by Ratings
  • Import only Listings with emails
  • Enrich descriptions with chatGPT
  • Import all or just the wants you want
Select and Import only what you need
Step 3

Import directly to your directory or to a CSV

Leads Importer is not a plugin. It is a cloud based software that connects directly into your WordPress website. It eliminates code updates, bloated plugins and plugin conflicts.

  • Choose to publish or draft your post
  • Import directly into Custom Post Type and Category
  • Add as many Custom Post Types and Categories that you need
  • Want to do it again? No worries, delete all, search, select, import, done
Check the data before, export to CSV, need to repeat? No worries, "Delete All" and start again!

Join now and have your directory running in no time

Pricing plans for all tastes and more exciting features and plans coming. With the Starter plan you can’t wrong and take your time to learn and curate the listings, the lifetime deal is a limited option for the first ones that want to get into the bus of directory world with no stress while supporting Leads Importer team.

Starter Plan


  • GeoDirectory, Metabox, Voxel/Listing Pro/Wilcity*
  • CSV & WP All Import
  • 1 Website
  • 500 Search Results**
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media + Email
  • chatGPT***
  • Email support
Limited Time Deal


  • GeoDirectory, Metabox, Voxel/Listing Pro/Wilcity*
  • CSV & WP All Import
  • 3 Websites
  • 500 Search Results/Month
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media + Email
  • 500.000 chatGPT Tokens
  • Email + Chat Support
  • 6 Month Support****
Agency Plan


  • All Themes/plugins
  • Unlimited websites
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media (When available) + Email
  • Free chatGPT 3.5 Turbo
  • Email + chat support
  • Premium support

*These are imported via WP all Import or a dedicated CSV Importer. **First 500 Search results are for free. ***chatGPT tokens must be purchased in order to use the AI to enrich the content/descriptions.
****After 6 months license will be renewed to keep using the services.

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