10 tips on how to Choose the Right Theme or Plugin for Your WordPress Directory

Choosing the right theme for your WordPress directory is a crucial step in setting up your online directory. In the current times, WordPress takes a big slice of the website world, due to its simplicity and cheap price on setting up a website in not time. Nowadays The theme you choose will determine the look, feel, and functionality of your directory, but we all know that there is a big amount of page builders, themes, plugin, that you can use to get the job done, but which one is the best one for you?

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make the right choice.

1. Understand Your Requirements

Before you start browsing through the thousands of themes available, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you need. Are you creating a large directory with thousands of listings, or a niche directory with a few hundred? Do you need advanced search features, or will a simple search bar suffice? Make a list of your requirements to guide your theme selection process.

2. Which Page Builder To choose

As mentioned in the start, there are “tons” of page builders for WordPress nowadays that you can choose in order to create your directory. Although there are many page builders, keep in mind that each one comes with its own caveat. So which one to choose? Here are 6 great options to consider:

1. Gutenberg

Gutenberg is the default page builder for WordPress, and out of the box will not allow to build a directory. For this you will need to use the plugin Stackable PRO version that will allow you to create templates and use custom fields for your listings. You will also need ACF or Metabox, which will allow you to create the Custom Post Types and Custom fields that you need.

2. Elementor

Elementor is a very famous page builder in the WordPress world with beautiful design, it will allow you to even build a free directory if you use a plugin like GeoDirectory. You can also use other plugins like Metabox or ACF, but in this case you will need to purchase Elementor PRO to allow Custom fields.

Similar to Elementor, but more advanced as it is more directed for Developers, it will allow you to also build directories using GeoDirectory, ACF or Metabox. The advantage over Elementor is that you only pay a one time fee for Oxygen.

4. Breakdance

The new born baby of Oxugen team Soflyy. Breakdance is a website builder plugin for WordPress that offers a modern UI and workflow, deep WooCommerce integration, and 130+ built-in elements1. It is a powerful tool that can help you build better websites. It looks to facilitate and speed up the process of creating websites. They only offer paid versions at the moment with a yearly fee.

5. Stackable

Stackable is a WordPress plugin that transforms the WordPress Block Editor into a Page Builder. It provides 42 flexible custom WordPress blocks that are feature-rich and look good out of the box. Stackable brings a full set of layout and design options to the Gutenberg editor. It supports dynamic data and advanced conditional display options2.

Stackable has a Design Library to jumpstart your designing process with dozens of UI Kit designs, hundreds of ready-made block designs, dozens of block layouts, and various shape separator designs. It’s an all-in-one solution for website building. While it will allow you to build a free directory with GeoDirectory, if you wish though to use ACF or Metabox, you will need Stackable PRO to be able to create templates and use custom fields.

6. Bricks

The new kid on the block, or the new brick of the block (Baaaddumm tssss), Bricks is an innovative, community-driven, visual site builder for WordPress. It empowers you to design unique, performant, and scalable websites. Here are some of its key features:

Visual Full Site Editing: Easily create stunning pages with drag & drop, visual spacing, and nestable elements.
Design without Limitations: Create flexbox & CSS grid layouts in seconds. Set up your own CSS class system, global color palettes, global styles, typography, templates, and more.
Conditions: Show or hide content based on a wide range of fully customizable conditions.
Interactions: Define triggers & actions for your very own interactions.
Custom Code: Add your own custom HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP into your site header, footer, or any other page for tailored website experiences.
Community Templates: Use and tweak ready-made templates to get started in no time.
You can test Bricks for free at their playground1. It’s a great way to explore the builder and design your first website with Bricks.

There are many more options out there, but these are the main ones that we use on a daily basis, so if you would like a quick directory built and for free Elementor and GeoDirectory is a great option. If you would prefer full control of the design and backend, then Oxygen and Bricks using ACF or Metabox, couldn’t go wrong.

Check out our video on how to “Build a free directory with Elementor and GeoDirectory“.

3. Look for Directory-Specific Features

Some WordPress themes are specifically designed for directories and come with built-in features that can make your job easier. These features may include front-end submission forms, advanced search filters, and Google Maps integration. Choosing a theme with these features can save you time and effort in setting up your directory.

Many options out there also, you can use a plugin or a theme. The plugin will allow you almost full control in the design and come packed with many features mentioned above. We do use a lot GeoDirectory which as a free version and mix with other page builders.
Voxel is also a theme that will allow you to quickly setup your directory, making it easier to develop by importing a ready made template with a demo. In this case Voxel only allows Elementor as it is a theme and not a plugin.

If you prefer full control, ACF and Metabox are the way to go, they will allow to create custom post types, taxonomies, custom fields having more control over the metadata. Downside is that you will need extra plugins to have the desired listing features.

4. Responsiveness is Key

In today’s mobile-first world, it’s essential that your directory is easily accessible and looks good on all devices. A responsive theme adjusts its layout based on the device it’s viewed on. This ensures a great user experience, whether your directory is accessed from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

5. Customizability Matters

Your directory should reflect your brand identity, and for that, you need a theme that’s highly customizable. Look for themes that allow you to easily change colors, fonts, layouts, and other elements. This will help you create a unique and recognizable look for your directory.

6. SEO-Friendly Themes

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for the success of your directory. An SEO-friendly theme is coded in a way that makes it easy for search engines to crawl and rank. Some themes are built with SEO in mind, which can give you a head start in ranking your directory.

7. Speed is Essential

Website speed is a critical factor in user experience and search engine rankings. A slow-loading directory can frustrate users and lead to high bounce rates. Check the theme’s speed score using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights before making a decision.

8. Regular Updates and Support

Choose a theme that is regularly updated and has strong customer support. Regular updates ensure that your theme stays compatible with the latest version of WordPress and remains secure against new threats. Strong customer support can be a lifesaver when you run into issues or have questions.

9. Choose your niche market in advance

Choose on your niche in advance if you haven’t done it when you start. This is important to help you decide on what is the best match for your niche in terms of plugin or theme. If you need a simple directory where you do not wish to sell products, but for example you only want to create a directory with Outdoor parks with no special features, then a simple directory with Elementor or Gutenberg with GeoDirectory can be a good, free and fast option. If you have specific needs like a booking system, then Voxel theme comes by default with a booking system, so no need for extra plugins in this case.

10. Check Reviews and Ratings

Finally, don’t forget to check out reviews and ratings from other users. This can give you an idea of the theme’s quality and the developer’s support service. There are tons of themes out there and plugins to help you build your directory, we only mention some, doesn’t not mean that these are solely the best, but there are some that we use on a daily basis.

Remember, the right theme can significantly impact the success of your directory, so take your time to research and choose wisely.

Good luck with your WordPress directory project!

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