Launch Your Directory Site Faster with a Pre-Filled Database of Business Listings

Searching and Importing Leads directly into your WordPress website has never been easier than now. Build your directory website today

V2 of Leads Importer is here

Hi, the new version of Leads Importer is out there. While we are excited to have it available for all users, we are updating the website and adding new videos. So we apologize if some videos are outdated or pages, we are working as fast as we can. In the meanwhile join the club and test the new tool with 500 free listings.

Build Your dream Directory With these tools

Leads Importer works with the majority of directory themes or Page builders of WordPress. Build a directory website with Elementor and Geodirectory, or Elementor and Voxel/Mylisting* or your own custom made directory with Metabox and a page builder of your choice (Compatible with Metabox).

*Voxel/Mylisting only works currently with the CSV method using WP All Import FREE addon to import the listings.


Compatible Plugins/Platforms

Our Services

Search & Import Google leads directly to your website

You have built your new directory site and spent a lot of time and energy getting the look and feel just perfect? Now you want to start promoting your directory but why would anyone want to list their business on a directory with NO other business listings? Now we make it easy to find Google Leads, and import directly into your website or CSV, your choice.

*Voxel/Mylisting only works currently with the CSV method using WP All Import FREE addon to import the listings.

No Plugins Or CSVs Needed*

You don’t have to spend hours editing boring long csv files that you scraped or paid $$$ to have scraped for you. Easy API Importing.

Up-to-date business listings

Because you are getting only the freshest and most recent data directly from the Google API you will have the most up to date listings.

Quick & Easy Import to your website

Using our secure and direct API access to your WordPress website with the push of a button you can pre-populate your website with listings.

Search in Google, Import what you need

Google Business Profiles displayed in Google Maps are accessed from the Google Places API giving you the most up to date business information. We will also get you: Email and Social media if available.

Add Business Descriptions with chatGPT

Need a little bit more “juice” to your listings? Search Listings in Google, choose the ones you want to import, run chatGPT to write creative business descriptions, done, import directly into your website. Easy peezy lemon squeezy.


Works With Your Favorite WordPress Plugins And Themes

Import directly into your WordPress directory website like GeoDirectory, Metabox custom fields plugin or use the CSV and import to any website you want like, a WordPress directory theme like VOXEL, LISTING PRO OR MYLISTING or any other compatible with CSV Import.

Elementor + GeoDirectory Free versions


The Best Solutions for your directories

Pricing plans for all tastes and more exciting features and plans coming. With the Starter plan you can’t wrong and take your time to learn and curate the listings, get on board of the Advanced or Turbo plan, if you need a visual map of your searches, this will help you cover ground in no time.

Starter Plan


One Time Payment

  • GeoDirectory, Metabox, Voxel/Listing Pro/Wilcity*
  • CSV & WP All Import
  • 1 Website
  • 250 Free Search Results**
  • No Active Search
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media + Email
  • chatGPT***
  • Email support
Get Started
Advanced Plan


One Time Payment

  • GeoDirectory, Metabox, Voxel/Listing Pro/Wilcity*
  • CSV & WP All Import
  • 1 Website
  • 250 Free Search Results**
  • 1 Active Search
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media + Email
  • chatGPT***
  • Email + Chat Support
Get Started
Turbo Plan


One Time Payment

  • GeoDirectory, Metabox, Voxel/Listing Pro/Wilcity*
  • CSV & WP All Import
  • 3 Websites
  • 250 Free Search Results**
  • Unlimited Active Searches
  • Export CSV
  • Social Media + Email
  • chatGPT***
  • Priority Email + Chat Support
Get Started

*These are imported via WP all Import or a dedicated CSV Importer. **First 250 Search results are for free, no need to add credit card or purchase any plan ***AI chatGPT tokens must be purchased in order to use the AI to enrich the content/descriptions.

We donate 1% to Animal Charity

Hi, I am a huge dog lover and cats also, I do believe in finding a better place for them or supporting associations and shelters that work hard everyday in giving them proper conditions and a home. Every 1% of sales goes to an animal charity. If you have your favorite let me know and I will deliver. Thank you in behalf of our 4 legged friends.


Compatible plugins/themes/platforms


What Our Client’s Say

What are customers are saying right now about Leads Importer. Join the team and make your business successful in no time.

Jessica Tria

I was looking for a fast and simple tool that would help me find leads to grow my business without breaking the bank. Leads Importer let’s me find leads in no time at a very affordable price.

Toni Pastroni

I have never built directories so fast without Leads Importer. Search, Select, add a quick description, Import, there you go, your directory is ready to run with content.

Have a Feature in Mind?

If you need a special feature for your Leads tool or your Directory website, contact us. We are here to help you get your business up and running fast and easy.

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